Thursday, December 07, 2006

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Lowes and Raisins

Will summer never end? Two weeks and a day till my freedom rests assured. I work at Lowes. There, I said it. I’m not ashamed…okay maybe I am, BUT it’s better than siphoning poop out of trucks or telemarketing, both of which I’ve done. What’s up with their motto? Let’s build something together?? Please, I’ve unloaded the product and seen how it’s treated. I would not buy something from our store. Chances are you're buying something that will be damaged or fall apart. The only thing you’ll be building if you shop at Lowes is a bad temper because you have to go back and get a better product. Maybe I’m just bitter because management there is a joke and no one wants to work. I dunno, but I am DEFINITELY counting down the days until I am free. When that blessed day comes I will party! August 25th you’re just around the corner my good friend.

Hannah this is for you. Let’s talk about Raisin Bran. Pros and Cons.

Pros: It has a good taste. The wheat flake is quite good, (although wheaties flakes are better) however the secret is not in the bran but in the Raisin. Whoever came up with that whole TWO scoops bit deserves a hearty handshake and a pat on the back! That stuff is great, HOWEVER Raisin Bran Crunch! is much better.
It has granola in it. I mean what kid didn’t grow up on Grandma’s granola? Granola is made from whole oats (from the ground), honey (Mother Nature’s sweetner) and nuts (also from the ground) so how on earth could granola even be THOUGHT of as bad for you? Also the wheat flake in Raisin Bran Crunch has a lighter crispier crunch and sweeter flavor to it which leaves the consumer quite satisfied with their breakfast and ready to conquer another trial filled day.

Cons: Recent reports have been filtering in to the news and media that Raisin Bran is actually addictive. Yes, yes, folks it is in fact true. The FDA has found Pyridoxine a leading ingredient in Raisin Bran can actually not only cause dependency but if eaten long and often enough also cause addiction.

“We’ve found in over 80% of our case studies,” explains Dr. Hannibul, leading expert in chemical addictions, “Raisin Bran dependency leading to addiction happens most often when Raisin Bran is eaten as a three course meal throughout the day with no other food intake.”

Duke University has done research in the field of Raisin Bran addictions and discovered new and alarming results from test subjects. “A rare disorder has been discovered,” explains Dr. Lector, head of the Science Department at Duke, “in those who eat large amounts of Raisin Bran containing Pryidoxine. Rapid dental growth such as wisdom teeth and the like are quite common in those suffering from this rare disorder."

Media and other experts have referred to those suffering from this addiction as Raisinolics. Help maybe found for those suffering from this disorder by calling toll free 2085217563. Ask for a Mr.Chris Tal Shumate; Counselor, M.D.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

How do they do it?

How do people with dreams of fame and fortune make those dreams a reality? Yes, yes, I’m familiar with the two words everyone tells me: Hard Work. And it doesn’t even need to be a dream of becoming famous. Take the example of my Chiropractor Jeff Holmes. He had the dream and desire of becoming a chiropractor after he had an accident and he himself had to go to the chiropractor. He went through all the necessary training and schooling to become one, and now he has an office in Puyallup, Washington, doing what he loves most.

So how do they keep focused on making their dream a reality when they have to go through obstacles and trials? How do they keep the focus that this really IS what they want to do and wasn’t just some passing fancy that would be nice but really isn’t for them?? I went after a dream once. It was to make music a career, but not just any career I was going to be a successful music performer. Playing in a band has always been a dream of mine, but so far the closest I’ll get to making it big is the Hart main stage at Guitar’s Unplugged.

I started taking music classes and at first I liked them well enough, but soon it went downhill. The classes turned music into this technical boring crap. Music is NOT boring nor is it un-enjoyable so why did I start feeling that way towards music? Maybe as a career it’s not for me, or maybe I’m just not dedicated enough to hack it as music major. I dunno, nevertheless I changed over to an English major with thoughts of becoming a famous author. After talking to people and realizing I don’t NEED to be an English major to write books I soon realized writers such as Thoreau, Milton, Shakespeare and the like, though there may be an occasional line of prose which tickles my fancy, weren’t for me. So now I’m a communications major. Why I am exactly I dunno. Hopefully, I’ll find a career that interests me and I could be successful at. We’ll see.

So I just want to take a moment, remove my hat and salute all those who actually go after and achieve their life long ambitions and dreams. You teach the rest of us that it actually is possible and give all of us “struggling dream achievers” hope. You show us that although we have yet to find our niche in life, with hard work, dedication and a little imagination, it is possible. Thank you.

Saturday, July 29, 2006

Dancing at Two in the Morning

How do you make something inherently boring sound exciting? This is the challenge before me. For instance all I really do with my summer life is eat, work, sleep, repeat. ….Not very exciting is it? The most exciting thing I’ve done thus far this summer is rock climbing last Saturday. I’ll see about climbing again this Saturday but I may end up spending most of my precious time doing absolutely nothing.

Then again what am I complaining about?? In approximately 30 days not only will I have a part time job, but I’ll also be juggling an academic and social life. Well, that’s the hope at least (meaning social life), but after the fall semester get’s under way I’ll be doing school work up to my ears, stressing about my major, work, and girls. So why not just enjoy the boredom? I guess that’s the paradox I face. When I’m extremely busy I long for boredom and relaxation, but if I sit around too long doing nothing I feel lazy and have the desire to be busy. Maybe someday I’ll balance out and just be happy with what is happening in life.

Today was pretty dang awesome. My brother from the same mother, Andy, works at Mad Jacks Ice Cream Concoctions. MJICC. An awesome ice cream store which freezes sugar and cream with liquid nitrogen to form ice cream! It’s great. They are pulling an all nighter tonight, loud music, good company and good ice cream. Well Sam and I drove down at 2 am this morning and we bought us some ice cream. We were the only ones in the store, besides Andy who was working, and George Chittenden a member of my home ward who owns the store. Well with the music blaring we “Got Jiggy With It” and started doing all sorts of goofy dances. I busted out my Staggering Deer dance, Sam did the Jambalaya Bear, and Andy the Scurrying Squirrel. George even jumped in and did the dance that Charlie Brown always does in the cartoon movies. It was sweet! For the uninformed reader these are insanely idiotic dances we came up with in our plethora of spare time this summer. It is not encouraged to ask to see these dances as the performer and the viewer will both be embarrassed. George also took some small one liter bottles filled them up with liquid nitrogen and made the equivalent of a dry ice bomb at 2 in the morning. It’s funny because even though he’s in his mid 30s he still acts like a big kid. After that Sam and I drove back home with the windows down letting the cold air shiver our bodies and the music decibleage high so as to keep alert. …it was 3 am when we left after all. Thus I now sit at my computer writing my thoughts.

I’ve found I enjoy blog writing because I assume everyone who knows me will want to read this and I enjoy writing for an audience. I just hope this doesn’t completely take away from my journal writing. After all it’s good and essential to have a place where you can write all your private thoughts and feelings you just need get out.

Friday, July 28, 2006

First for Everything

Well first off I've never been one to do something just because everyone else is doing it. A good friend of mine however, suggested that I keep what has become known as a blog. After thinking about it for a mere 2 minutes at 1:40 A.M. in the morning I thought "Why not?" ....Yes yes, I understand the wisest decisions and best battle plans aren't necessarily hatched at this unnatural hour, but for someone who wishes to begin a potential writing career I feel this will give me an outlet for writing my opinions and all other things that pop into my wildly imaginative head.

Thus I start a journey not unlike that of Lewis and Clark, although I doubt I'll find a Native American woman dressed in deer skins to lead me on my path, or a journey like that of NASA landing the first man on the moon, however this will not be a giant leap for mankind. Anyway I'm just babbling and trying to sound "Epic."

Well ladies and gentlemen; the hour has arrived for me to hit the hay. Speaking of which, where did they come up with that phrase, hit the hay? I suppose back in the old days they slept on hay, and maybe before actually going to sleep they’d hit it to send all the little bugs scurrying for another home? That sounds good. I’ll stick with that until I hear otherwise.