Wednesday, August 02, 2006

How do they do it?

How do people with dreams of fame and fortune make those dreams a reality? Yes, yes, I’m familiar with the two words everyone tells me: Hard Work. And it doesn’t even need to be a dream of becoming famous. Take the example of my Chiropractor Jeff Holmes. He had the dream and desire of becoming a chiropractor after he had an accident and he himself had to go to the chiropractor. He went through all the necessary training and schooling to become one, and now he has an office in Puyallup, Washington, doing what he loves most.

So how do they keep focused on making their dream a reality when they have to go through obstacles and trials? How do they keep the focus that this really IS what they want to do and wasn’t just some passing fancy that would be nice but really isn’t for them?? I went after a dream once. It was to make music a career, but not just any career I was going to be a successful music performer. Playing in a band has always been a dream of mine, but so far the closest I’ll get to making it big is the Hart main stage at Guitar’s Unplugged.

I started taking music classes and at first I liked them well enough, but soon it went downhill. The classes turned music into this technical boring crap. Music is NOT boring nor is it un-enjoyable so why did I start feeling that way towards music? Maybe as a career it’s not for me, or maybe I’m just not dedicated enough to hack it as music major. I dunno, nevertheless I changed over to an English major with thoughts of becoming a famous author. After talking to people and realizing I don’t NEED to be an English major to write books I soon realized writers such as Thoreau, Milton, Shakespeare and the like, though there may be an occasional line of prose which tickles my fancy, weren’t for me. So now I’m a communications major. Why I am exactly I dunno. Hopefully, I’ll find a career that interests me and I could be successful at. We’ll see.

So I just want to take a moment, remove my hat and salute all those who actually go after and achieve their life long ambitions and dreams. You teach the rest of us that it actually is possible and give all of us “struggling dream achievers” hope. You show us that although we have yet to find our niche in life, with hard work, dedication and a little imagination, it is possible. Thank you.


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